Our approach to treatment

Our Physiotherapy Approach – What to Expect

View of clinic interior including treadmill and treatment table At Whitewater Physiotherapy, our physiotherapy  approach begins with a comprehensive assessment by a registered physiotherapist.

This will include a review of health conditions, a thorough history of the present problem along with inquiry about related past physical problems, and a physical examination. We may request reports such as results of diagnostic imaging to further understand your injury. We will discuss the results of the assessment, determine realistic treatment goals together with you along with a plan to achieve optimal recovery. The treatment will address current symptoms as well as the underlying cause, and will include education about the condition, therapeutic exercises and hands-on care. For a good recovery, active participation of the patient is essential, including following through with recommendations made by the physiotherapist, and performing prescribed home exercises regularly.

Treatment sessions at the clinic will be one on one with the physiotherapist. Home visits are provided by the physiotherapist, a physiotherapist’s assistant or a registered kinesiologist as needed.

When coming to the clinic for assessment or treatment, please bring suitable comfortable clothing:

  • For neck or shoulder assessment, bring (or wear) a sleeveless shirt.
  • For back or lower extremity assessment, bring (or wear) a t-shirt and shorts or leggings.

There is a private curtained area for changing cloths, or you can use the wheelchair accessible washroom/change room.

Our physiotherapy approach includes an initial assessment which may include intentional provocation of symptoms, to better determine the source/structure at fault. This may cause a temporary increase in symptoms/pain after the initial assessment. We are careful to limit such testing to what is necessary, and will give you advice about pain control. Rest assured that you will benefit from subsequent overall treatment.

Please check into and bring the information card for whatever extended health benefit insurance you may have. We are able to bill many insurance providers directly if you prefer (ie “assignment of benefits”), which is simpler for you than paying up front and then seeking reimbursement.

We do not require a physician’s referral or prescription in order to provide assessment and treatment, although we gladly accept referral and prescription information from your physician or primary health provider. Some insurance companies do require a physician’s prescription for physiotherapy in order to provide you with coverage, so you should check your individual policy and its limits.

Click to learn more about what physiotherapy is, and what physiotherapists do.

For more information About Us, Whitewater Physiotherapy, and to learn how we can get you moving again, please contact us.